Westmoreland County Department of Public Safety / 9-1-1 Center is accepting applications for the position of GIS Specialist. This position is responsible for the development, coordination, maintenance and enhancement of the County 911 Center Geographic Information System (GIS) program and all supporting hardware /software databases. Includes tasks as conducting advanced GIS research and analysis; preparing reports on GIS and MSAG synchronization, ALI and GIS comparison. Responsible for their professional development and work performance; responsible for the continuous analysis & maintenance of various GIS data sources produced by the 911 Center and other tasks as assigned. This position requires excellent organizational, planning, technical skills, ability to handle stressful situations, positive customer service attitude, computer information systems and ability to research and develop future technological programs. Systems such as ESRI Geospatial products (Arc View, Arc Editor, Arc Map, Arc SDE, and Arc GIS) are utilized to perform the work tasks. Westmoreland County Residency Policy mandates the selected candidate has one year to move into the County for this opportunity. Applications are being accepted through email and hard copies can be forwarded to address listed below. Salary requirements should be attached to a cover letter for submission.Applications are available at the Human Resources Department located at the Westmoreland County Courthouse or online at www.co.westmoreland.pa.us under human resources. EOECompleted Applications are to be mailed to:Deputy Director, Scott M. StepanovichWestmoreland County Department of Public Safety911 Public Safety RoadGreensburg, PA 15601Or email to: sstepano@co.westmoreland.pa.usPlease place GIS Specialist in the subject line.Applications must be received by August 23, 2024.
Source: Employment in Westmoreland
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